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EDIUS X 軟體更新

檔 名:EDIUS_Setup-10.34.12119.zip
日 期:2023 / 09 / 25
大 小:1.26 GB
方 法:解壓縮之後直接執行安裝檔即可

1. 將 EDIUS_Setup-10.34.12119.zip下載到電腦中。
2. 點擊 EDIUS_Setup-10.34.12119.exe 安裝更新EDIUS X。
3. 安裝完成後,重新啟動電腦。


EDIUS的版本已經更新至 EDIUS_Setup-10.34.12119 Full Installer 

Windows 7 (64-bit) / Windows 8 (64-bit) / Windows 8.1 (64-bit) / Windows 10 (64-bit)

此版本的EDIUS是根據美國電腦緊急應變小組(US-CERT)關於Apple QuickTime for Windows的漏洞:https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/alerts/TA16-105A 它允許安裝或更新EDIUS,而無需安裝QuickTime for Windows。





  • 版本 10.34.12119 的更新項目


• Added a feature to select which one is prioritized when there are both floating license and node-locked license
* By default, node-locked license is prioritized


• Added a feature to select which one is prioritized when there are both floating license and node-locked license
* By default, node-locked license is prioritized



  • Fixed Issues


• Color picker incorrectly works on 3-Way Color Correction if project is 10bit
• Acon Digital DeNoise Audio Filter has no effect for first 2 seconds of a clip
• If a certain JPEG file is loaded, the image becomes black (SFDC00858876)
• Black frames appear randomly while playing the timeline with HEVC clips



• If a certain JPEG file is loaded, the image becomes black (SFDC00858876)
• Black frames appear randomly while playing the timeline with HEVC clips